Company Background

Company Establishment Information

  • Year Established:  2022

  • Regional presence:  Kenya

  • Incorporation Cert Number:


  • Region Western
  • Nyanza Region
  • Central Kenya
  • Eastern Region
  • Nort Eastern Region
  • Coastal Region
  • Nairobi Region


  • We engage in Good Distribution Practices (GDPs) by adhering to recommended distribution standards by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board Kenya (PPB).
  • We import our pharmaceutical products from Manufactures licensed by PPB and who practice Current Good Manufacturing Practices as per WHO standards.
  • We have a vibrant Pharmacovigilance (PV) department that receives and acts swiftly on post marketing surveillance reports in regards to occurrences of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) or Poor Quality Medications (PQMs).
  • We engage in healthy drug disposal practices that that conform to PPB protocols.